Full Listing Agent Services for only $3495
If you are selling for $600,000, other agents would charge you around $15,000, so you save $11,000+ or more.
Listing Services Provided
We look at this as if you are a “for sale by owner” who wants the full services of a real estate agent without the 2-3% that most listings agents charge. We provide marketing options and in some cases you can sell the home without paying the other buyer side commission. We leverage technology and smart business practices to cut costs. We pass the savings back to you. We do not cut any corners, just costs. We provide real value to you, by saving you thousands selling your home while still providing the full professional real estate services.
SKYSLOPE Manages details Online
Everything transaction management shoud be… transparent, efficent and compliant.
Chronological Checklist
Over 100 potential forms, reports or receipts can be part of a real estate transaction. Starts with listings to buyers, then escrow and inspections and goes to contingencies and funding.
Highlights Mandatory Activities
Software clearly shows what forms are manadatory and what forms are used for special reasons. Also keeps copies of all reports and receipts.
Built in Quality Controls
Milestone based expediting based on days since the start of the transaction. For example; day 7 is about the seller providing important disclosures.
Specific Buyer Sequence
This is our online transaction status PORTAL. You can monitor the details 24 hours a day. Copies of all the executed files are available.
Specific Seller Sequence
This is our online transaction status PORTAL. You can monitor the details 24 hours a day. Copies of all the executed files are available.
Specific Leasing Sequence
This is our online transaction status PORTAL. You can monitor the details 24 hours a day. Copies of all the executed files are available.
Includes Special Transactions
This is our online transaction status PORTAL. You can monitor the details 24 hours a day. Copies of all the executed files are available.
24 Hour Online Portal For Agents
You can monitor the details of your transaction 24 hours a day. All the details, contact information and copies of all the executed files are available.
Stores Documents Online
Documents are stored online and you can confirm which disclosures are fully executed and what documents are still needed.
All Your CAR Forms Are Available
Same as MLS Zipforms, you can quickly put together multiple forms using our template options. Forms are automatically pre-filled with MLS data.
Digital Document Signing
Similar to DocuSign, you can quickly send multiple forms to your clients to reveiw and sign online. Send virtually anywhere, at any time, to anyone.
Automatically Keeps Communication Log
This is our online transaction status PORTAL. You can monitor the details 24 hours a day. Copies of all the executed files are available.
Automatically Keeps Email History
This is our online transaction status PORTAL. You can monitor the details 24 hours a day. Copies of all the executed files are available.
Broker File Audit To Protect You
Our online PORTAL show you the details of your active transaction 24 hours a day. Contacts, copies of documents and our milestone checklist.
You Can Get Paid On Closing Day
This is our online transaction status PORTAL. You can monitor the details 24 hours a day. Copies of all the executed files are available.

Tom Flecky
Tom has over 20 years experience in Real Estate and Mortgages.
He has EXPERIENCED REALTORS who partner with him and help Buyers and Sellers get the smartest solutions to meet their dream scenarios. We specialize in buying and selling homes in Southern California!
Tom has also been doing MORTGAGES for many years. Our company GRAND AVENUE is a broker with over 40 banks and investors to choose from. We have access to all the great loan programs and can offer the LOWEST INTEREST RATES in the nation.
Real estate is one of the largest and most exciting investments one can make. We are here to make sure that your process is a fun and rewarding one!
Welcome to
Grand Avenue Realty & Lending
We specialize in buying and selling homes throughout the state of California!
Our website is geared toward the Los Angeles, Orange and West Riverside county areas. We are specialists in our communities and we would be happy to help you with all of your real estate needs!
Throughout our website you will find many useful tools to assist with buying or selling a home. We are dedicated to providing the finest service available, and our website can be a great resource for you to use free! Make sure to bookmark our website for future use.
Are you looking to Buy? We will take the time to listen to your needs and desires to help you find the home of your dreams. Our “Smart Buyers” strategies will increase your buying skills and you will profit from the knowledge. Please fill out our request forms so I can help you in detail!
Are you trying to Sell? We are licensed Real Estate Specialists. We know our markets inside and out, and will do our best to make sure you receive top dollar for your home! Our home listing marketing approach is why we are so successful.
Are you looking to get a Mortgage? We are experts at all the great loan programs; Fannie Mae, FHA, VA, CalHFA and so many more… Our “Hand-On” approach and constant expediting is why we close your deals on time!